Shab-e-Qadr, also known as Laylatul Qadr, is the most blessed night in Islam, occurring in the last ten nights of Ramadan. It is a night greater than a thousand months, and worship performed on this night carries immense rewards. Many Muslims seek guidance on the prayers and acts of worship for this sacred occasion, asking:
- How many Rakats are there in Shab-e-Qadr?
- Is Shab-e-Qadr Nafil Namaz?
- What Namaz to pray on Shab-e-Qadr?
- How to pray Laylatul Qadr Namaz step by step?
This article provides step-by-step guidance on the special prayers for Shab-e-Qadr, including Nafil namaz, dua, and Quranic recitations, ensuring you make the most of this blessed night. 🌙✨
Click here to know about Eid-ul-Fitr Namaz and Nawafil Namaz (Salat) on day of Eid-ul-Fitr
Please Note All Surehs for the Namaz are given Below
On 21st Night - First Shab E Qadr Night
4 Rakat: (with 2 Salams)
In Every Rakat after Sureh Fatiha Read Sureh Qadr - 1 times, Sureh Ikhlas -1 times.
After Salam Read Astagfar 70 times.
Rewards: All the sins of the person will be forgiven on behalf of the barakat of Shab E Qadr. Insha Allah
On 23rd Night - Second Shab E Qadr Night
4 Rakat: (with 2 Salams)
In Every Rakat after Sureh Fatiha Read Sureh Qadr - 1 times, Sureh Ikhlas -3 times.
Rewards: All the sins of the person will be forgiven on behalf of the barakat of Shab E Qadr. Insha Allah
8 Rakat: (with 4 Salams)
In Every Rakat after Sureh Fatiha Read Sureh Qadr - 1 times, Sureh Ikhlas -1 times.
After Salam Read Kalam e Tamjeed 70 times. Pray to Allah for your Forgiveness.
Kalam e Tamjeed: Subhanallahe Wal Hamdulillahe Wa Laa ilaha illal Laho Wallahooakbar. Wala Haola Wala Quwwata illa billahil AliYil Azeem.
Rewards: All the sins of the person will be forgiven. Insha Allah
On 25th Night - Third Shab E Qadr Night
4 Rakat: (with 2 Salams)
In Every Rakat after Sureh Fatiha Read Sureh Qadr - 1 times, Sureh Ikhlas -5 times.
After Salam Read Kalam e Tayiba 100 times. Pray to Allah for your Forgiveness.
Kalam E Tayaab: Laa ilaaha illal Lahoo Mohammadur Rasool Ullah
Rewards: On behalf of the barakat of Shab E Qadr, Allah Ta'ala will bless with blessings of infinite prayers. Insha Allah
4 Rakat: (with 2 Salams)
In Every Rakat after Sureh Fatiha Read Sureh Qadr - 3 times, Sureh Ikhlas -3 times.
After Salam Read Astagfar 70 times.
Rewards: All the sins of the person will be forgiven. Insha Allah
2 Rakat
In Every Rakat after Sureh Fatiha Read Sureh Qadr - 1 times, Sureh Ikhlas -15 times.
After Salam Read Kalam E Shahadat 70 times.
Kalam E Shahadat: Ashahado An Laa ilaaha illal Laho Wahtha Ho La Shareekala Hoo Wa Ash Hado Anna Mohammadan Abdo Hoo Wa Rasoolohoo.
Rewards: This Namaz keep him or her away from azab of the grave. Insha Allah
On 27th Night - Fourth Shab E Qadr Night
12 Rakat: (with 3 Salams)
In Every Rakat after Sureh Fatiha Read Sureh Qadr - 1 times, Sureh Ikhlas -15 times.
After Salam Read Astagfar 70 times.
Rewards: The person praying this namaz will be rewarded with the sawab of liking prophets prayings. Insha Allah
2 Rakat
In Every Rakat after Sureh Fatiha Read Sureh Qadr - 3 times, Sureh Ikhlas -27 times
Rewards: Allah will forgive all his previous sins. Insha Allah
4 Rakat (with 2 salams)
In Every Rakat after Sureh Fatiha Read Sureh Takasur - 1 times, Sureh Ikhlas -3 times
Rewards: Allah will forgive the tormenting in the Qabr (Grave) and reduce the agony during his death. Insha Allah
2 Rakat
In Every Rakat after Sureh Fatiha Read Sureh Ikhlas -7 times.... After salam Read the below dua....
Astagfirulla hil azi mullazi la illaha illal la hu wal hayul khayum wa atubuilai....
Rewards: The namaz is very blessful for getting forgiveness for his sins from Allah. The person praying this Namaz will gets his sins forgived including his Parents. Allah Taala will orders Angels to decorate Jaanah for the person. Insha Allah
2 Rakat
In Every Rakat after Sureh Fatiha Read Alam Nashr -1 times, Sureh Ikhlas-3 times.... After salam Read Sureh Qadr 27 times....
Rewards: The person praying this Namaz will rewarded in abundance. Insha Allah
4 Rakat
In Every Rakat after Sureh Fatiha Read Sureh Qadr - 3 times, Sureh Ikhlas -50 times....After Salam Bow down(SAJDA) and Read this dua
Subhanallahi wal hamdulillahi wal lailaha ilallahu wal lahu akbar
Litanies for Lailatul Qadr - The Night of Power
1) Whoever recites Sureh Qadr 7 times on the night of Shab e Qadr (27th Night of Ramadan), Allah will forgive all his sins of past and he will be blessed with the Taufeeq (ability) of doing good in future.
2) On 27th Night of Ramadan. Whoever offers 2 rakat of Nafl Namaz, reciting in each rakat, Sureh Alfathiha, Sureh Ikhlas (7 times) and upon completion recites
Astaghfirullahaladzim Alladzi La Ilaha Illa Huwal Hayyul Qayoomu Wa Atoobu Ilay (70 times)
Forgiveness will be written for him and his parents and Allah will bless him with a high station in Jannah
3) Whoever recites Sureh Qadr 7 times on the night of Shab e Qadr (27th Night of Ramadan), and then perform 2 rakat of Nafl Namaz, will be protected from the punishment of the grave.
On 29th Night - Fifth Shab E Qadr Night
4 Rakat: (with 2 Salams)
In Every Rakat after Sureh Fatiha Read Sureh Qadr - 1 times, Sureh Ikhlas -3 times.
After Salam Read Surah Alam nashrah 70 times.
Rewards: His or her last breath will be on complete Imaan (Kamil Iman). Insha Allah
All the Surah to be Read in Namaz
Bismi Allāhi Ar-Raĥmāni Ar-Raĥīmi (1)
Al-Ĥamdu Lillāhi Rabbi Al-`Ālamīna (2)
َ Ar-Raĥmāni Ar-Raĥīmi (3)
Māliki Yawmi Ad-Dīni (4)
ِ 'Īyāka Na`budu Wa 'Īyāka Nasta`īnu (5)
Ahdinā Aş-Şirāţa Al-Mustaqīma (6)
Şirāţa Al-Ladhīna 'An`amta `Alayhim Ghayri Al-Maghđūbi `Alayhim Wa Lā Ađ-Đāllīna (7)
Qul Huwa Allāhu 'Aĥadun(1)
Allāhu Aş-Şamadu (2)
Lam Yalid Wa Lam Yūlad (3)
Walam Yakun Lahu Kufūan 'Aĥadun (4)
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Innaa anzalnaahu fee lailatil qadr
Wa maa adraaka ma lailatul qadr
Lailatul qadri khairum min alfee shahr
Tanaz zalul malaa-ikatu war roohu feeha bi izni-rab bihim min kulli amr
Salaamun hiya hattaa mat la'il fajr
Alhakumu alttakathuru
Hatta zurtumu almaqabira
Kalla sawfa taAAlamoona
Thumma kalla sawfa taAAlamoona
Kalla law taAAlamoona AAilma alyaqeeni
Latarawunna aljaheema
Thumma latarawunnaha AAayna alyaqeeni
Thumma latusalunna yawmaithin AAani alnnaAAeemi
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Alam nashrah laka sadrak
Wa wa d'ana 'anka wizrak
Allazee anqada zahrak
Wa raf 'ana laka zikrak
Fa inna ma'al usri yusra
Inna ma'al 'usri yusra
Fa iza faragh ta fansab
Wa ilaa rabbika far ghab
AttahiyyaatuLillahi Was Salawatu Wattayyibatu
Assalamu Alaika Ayyuhannabi 'yu 'Warahmatullahi Wabarka'tuhu
Assalamu Alaina Wa'ala'Ibadillahis Saa'liheen
Ash'had'u'un La ilahaillallahu
Wa Ash'hadu Anna MuhammadunAbd'uhu Wa Rasooluhu
Allahumma Salleh Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa'ala' Aale Sayyidina Muhammadin Kama Sallaiyta Ala Sayyidina Ibraheema Wa' Ala Aale Sayyidina Ibraheema InnakaHameedum Majeed -Allahumma Baarak Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa' Ala Aale Sayyidina Muhammadin Kama Baarakta Ala Sayyidina Ibraheem Wa' Ala Aale Sayyidina Ibraheema Innaka Hameedum Majeed
Then Read the below Dua
Allahumag Firii Wali Wale Dayya Wal Ustaad'e Wal Jamee'il Mu'mineena Wal Mu'meenat Wal Muslimeena Wal MuslimatAI'Ahya'eMinhum Wal Amwaat'e Innaka MujeebudDa'waatBirahmatikaYa Ar'hamarr'ahimeen'
or pray another Dua-e-Ma'soor or pray
'Allahumma Rabbana Aatina Fid DuniyaHasanatawWafil Akhirati Hasanataw Wa QinaAzaabanNaar'
Allah humma inna nast'eenuka wa nastaghfiruka
wa nu'minu bika wa natawak-kalu 'alayka wa nuthne 'alayk-al khayr.
Wa nashkuruka wa laaa nakfuruka wa nakhla'u wa natruku man-y yafjuruka.
Allah humma iyyaka na'budu wa laka nusal-lee
wa nasjudu wa ilayka nas'a wa nahfidu wa narju rahmataka
wa nakhsha 'azabaka inna 'azabaka bil kuf-fari mulhiq.
Dua After Namaz
Rabbana Aatina Fid Duniya Hasanataw Wafil Akhirati Hasanataw Wa Qina Azaaban Naar.
Allahumma inni al-aloka afwa wal afiyata wal muafatad-daimata fid dunya wal akhirah
Allahumma inna-k afuwun karimun tuhibbul aff-va fafu aanni ya gaffuru ya gaffuru ya gaffuru
You may also like to read:
- How to Perform Salatul Tasbeeh Prayer with Steps
- What is Shab-e-Qadr
- What is Laylatul Qadr - Information on Shab-e-Qadr
- When to find the Night Shab-e-Qadr (Laylatul Qadr)?
- Laylatul Qadr is better than a thousand months
- Essence of Obedience in Laylatul Qadr
- Special Salaat for Laylatul Qadr
- How to perform Eid-ul-Fitr Namaz and Nawafil Namaz (Salat) on day of Eid-ul-Fitr
- Method of Performing Eid Namaaz
- Kaffara (Penalty) for not fasting in Ramadan
- Zakat-al-Fitra in Ramadan
Nawafil Namaz in Arabic
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Nafil Namaz (Salat and Dua) on Shabe Qadr |
I. Hadrat Anas ibn Malik reported that when Ramadan came, the Holy Prophet said, “Indeed this month has come to you, and in it is a night more virtuous than a thousand months. So, whosoever is deprived of its blessings is deprived of all blessings. No one is kept deprived of its blessings, but only those who are unfortunate.” [Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 1, Page 119]
II. Hadrat ‘Aishah reported that the Messenger of Allah has said, “Seek Lailatul Qadr on an odd numbered night (21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th and the 29th) among the last ten (nights) of Ramadan.” [Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, Page 270]
III. Hadrat ‘Aishah reported that the Messenger of Allah used to strive hard in devotion in the last ten nights more than at any other time. [Sahih Muslim, Vol. 1, Page 372]
IV. Hadrat Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah has said, “When Lailatul Qadr comes, Gabriel comes down with a company of angels who invoke blessings on everyone who is standing or sitting remembering Allah the Great and Glorious. Then when their festival day comes, i.e. the Eid day, He (Allah) speaks proudly of them to his angels saying, “O My angels, what is the reward of a hired servant who has fully accomplished his work?” They say, “Our Lord, his reward is that he should be paid his wages in full.” He says, “O My angels! My male and female servants have fulfilled what I have made obligatory for them, and then have come out raising their voices in supplication. By My Might, Glory, Honour, High dignity and Exalted Station, I will certainly answer them.” Then He says, “Return, I have forgiven you and changed your evil deeds into good deeds.” The Messenger of Allah said, “Then they return having received forgiveness.” [Mishkat, Vol. 1, Page 182]
V. Hadrat ‘Aishah reported that when the last ten days began, the Messenger of Allah used to prepare himself rigorously for devotion; remain awake at night and (also) keep his family awake. [Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, Page 271]