Friday, April 12, 2013

Aims of Nikah: In Light of the Quran

Performing Nikah is worship provided the intention is correct and the aim is to act upon the Sunnah of the Beloved Prophet. The aims of Nikah have been mentioned very clearly in many verses of the Qur’an and some of them are being mentioned below.
Allah Ta’ala states:
“And among His signs is that He created spouses for you from yourselves for you to gain rest from them, and kept love and mercy between yourselves; indeed in this are signs for the people who ponder.” (Surah Rum Verse 21)
In relation to the above verse, Zia-ul-Ummah, Hazrat Allama Peer Muhammed Karam Shah Azhari writes:
‘The path of life is very difficult. There are roadblocks at every step with many issues, difficulties, setbacks and disappointments. In spite of all this, the order is given to recognise the Lord and be merciful to His creations. We have been locked in a box and placed at the bottom of the ocean and then are ordered to get out safely and not get wet. However, in order to comfort and console humans, to keep their faltering feet steady, to lift the burden of worries and issues from their shoulders, the merciful Lord gave him a wife from his own species to accompany him on this journey. As well as being of the same species, he placed pure and firm love and mercy in their hearts for one another to bring them even closer together. This relationship is not only for when they are healthy, young and times are good. Rather this
relationship will not break when misfortune strikes or times are hard. As the clouds of sadness grow darker and more menacing, this loves becomes brighter and stringer. When times are bad, their closeness and affection becomes even stronger. Additionally, they are created in such a manner that they are both incomplete without each other. The achievement of their desires, dreams, wishes and happiness is dependent on them being with one another.
Just think! If the light of love did not illuminate this dangerous road (of life) and if (a married couple’s) love and mercy did not help and support one another then how difficult and frightening would this journey of life be? May thousands of our lives be sacrificed on that merciful Creator who created woman from man and then joined them in such a way through love and mercy that even thinking about being away from them is distressing.’ (Zia-ul-Qur’an, Vol 3, Page 568)
Allah Ta’ala states in the Qur’an:
“It is He Who created you from a single soul, and from him made its mate for him to gain comfort with her…” (Surah Aa’raaf Verse 189)
He also states:
“And Allah created you from clay, then a drop of liquid, then made you as couples…” (Surah Faatir Verse 11)
“The Maker of the heavens and the earth; He has created pairs for you from yourselves and pairs from the animals…” (Surah Shu’raa Verse 11)
Additionally, the Lord of the world’s states:

“And it is We who created you in pairs.” (Surah Nabaa Verse 8)
It is clear from the verses mentioned above that this relationship is a supreme creation of Allah Ta’ala. The Almighty does not desire that anyone should live alone and be without a partner which he why He did not allow the Father of mankind Hazrat Adam à to be alone. The next thing he created was Hazrat Hawwa Ǻ . When mankind stepped onto this earth he was not alone, he had a partner and when mankind steps into Paradise he will also have a partner, just as Allah Ta’ala has stated:
“Indeed this day the dwellers of Paradise are in comfort, with blissful hearts. They and their wives are in shades, reclining on thrones.” (Surah Yasin Verses 55-56)
Allah Ta’ala has not only created pairs for humans but He has created pairs for all creations. Just as He has stated:
“And We created all things in pairs, so that you may ponder.” (Surah Thaariyaat Verse 49)
In relation to the above verse, Sadrul Afaadil, Hazrat Syed Allama Na’eemuddin Muradabaadi  states:
‘For example heaven and earth, sun and moon, night and day, dry and wet, hot and cold, humans and jinn, light and darkness, infidelity and faith, good fortune and misfortune, truth and falsehood and males and females. Everything was created in pairs so that humans would ponder and realise that all these were created the Almighty One who has no similarity, no partner, no pair, no parallel and He is the only one worthy of worship.’ (Khaza-inul Irfan)

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#Islamic Calendar 2025 Events

Islamic 2025 Event Name English Date Islamic Date
Urs Haji Malang January 2, 2025 - Thursday 10 Jumada al-Akhirah 1446
Urs Haji Ali Baba Mumbai January 4, 2025 - Saturday 12 Jumada al-Akhirah 1446
721st Urs Sharif Of Hazrat Khwaja Syed Nizamuddin Aulia Mehboob-e-Elahi Rahmatullah Alayh January 7, 2025 - Tuesday 15 Jumada al-Akhirah 1446
Urs Khwaja Gharib Nawaz, Ajmer Sharif March 24, 2025 - Monday 22 Sha'ban 1446
Lailat al-Miraj (Shab-e-Meraj) January 27, 2025 - Monday 27 Rajab 1446
Shab-e-Barat February 14, 2025 - Friday 15 Sha'ban 1446
Start of Fasting Month (Ramadan) March 1, 2025 - Saturday 1 Ramadan 1446
Lailat al-Qadr (Shab-e-Qadr) March 27, 2025 - Thursday 27 Ramadan 1446
Jummat-ul-Wida March 28, 2025 - Friday 28 Ramadan 1446
Eid-ul-Fitr March 30, 2025 - Sunday 1 Shawwal 1446
#Hajj June 6, 2025 - Friday 9 Dhul-Hijjah 1446
Eid-ul-Adha (Bakrid) June 7, 2025 - Saturday 10 Dhul-Hijjah 1446
Islamic New Year July 28, 2025 - Monday 1 Muharram 1447
Yaum al-Ashura August 6, 2025 - Wednesday 10 Muharram 1447
Eid Milad-un-Nabi September 26, 2025 - Friday 12 Rabi-al-Awwal 1447