Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Qurbani ka Amali Tariqa | Qurbani Ki Dua Or Tarika - Eid ul Adha

What is Qurbani?

Sacrifice, also known as Qurbani, means slaughter of an animal in the name of Allah on the 10th, 11th or 12th of the Islamic month of Zil Hijjah.

The real purpose of qurban is to attain Allah's consent and to wish to approach Him. A person who sacrifices an animal approaches Allah and attains His consent through it. Sacrifice is also an example of social assistance and solidarity. In general, the poor eat most of the meat of the animals that are sacrificed. As it is seen, the understanding of approaching God and helping the poor exist in the essence of this worship. No matter what the fiqh decree about it is, sacrifice has had an important place for centuries in our religious life as a kind of worship that is a symbol and sign of Islamic communities.

The practice of Qurbani can be traced back to Ibraheem who dreamt that God ordered him to sacrifice his son. Ibraheem agreed to follow God's command and perform the sacrifice, however, God intervened and informed him that his sacrifice had been accepted. Unlike the Bible, there is no mention in the Qur'an of an animal (ram) replacing the boy, rather he is replaced with a 'great sacrifice' (Zibhin azeem). Since the sacrifice of a ram cannot be greater than that of Abraham's son (and a prophet in Islam at that), this replacement seems to point to either the religious institutionalisation of sacrifice itself, or to the future self-sacrifices of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his companions (who were destined to emerge from the progeny of Ishmael) in the cause of their faith. From that day onward, every Eid al-Adha once a year Muslims around the world slaughter an animal to commemorate Abraham's sacrifice and to remind themselves of self-abnegation in the way of Allah.

How to perform Qurbani

Details about how to sacrifice the animal for Qurbani

To slaughter the animal as per the guidelines prescribed by the Shariah is called Qurbani.

In Qurbani, cutting these 4 vessels is compulsory

1. The wind pipe.
2. The food pipe.
3. The 2 main arteries of the neck.
Note: If the windpipe, food pipe and at least one of the arteries is cut, the Qurbani is permissible (Halal)

Conditions for Qurbani:

1. The person who is performing the actual Qurbani should be a Muslim.

2. Should be sane.
3. Should be conscious.
4. To perform the Qurbani with the name of Allah Ta’ala like “Bismillahi Wallahu Akbar. “
5. Not to take anybody else’s name other than the name of Allah Ta’ala.
6. To perform the Qurbani saying “Bismillahi Wallahu Akbar. “
7. That the animal should have some sign of life in it.
Note: If any one of the conditions described above is not fulfilled, then the sacrifice does not remain permissible (Halal) and comes under carrion ( Urdu- Murdaar )
It is not necessary that the person who performs the actual Qurbani should be an adult and/or a man. Ladies, minors, those who are uncircumcised, dumb, those who need to take a bath – all of them can do it and their sacrificing the animal is correct provided they are Muslim, sane and conscious and slaughter the animal saying “Bismillahi Wallahu Akbar”

What is Sunnah in slaughtering the animal:

1. To sharpen the knife nicely before slaughtering the animal.

2. To give water to the animal before slaughtering it.
3. The muzzle of the animal should face the Ka’aba and its head, south
4. The person doing it should be with Taharah.
5. The person doing it should face the Ka’aba.
6. To slaughter the animal with the right hand.
7. To make haste and be swift in slaughtering the animal.
8. To clearly pronounce the “Kasra” (Urdu – Zer) of Bismillahi Wallahu Akbar.
9. To softly lay the animal on its left flank
10. To tie the fore and hind legs of a big animal, but leave its right foreleg untied.

How to slaughter the animal

The proper method of slaughtering the animal is that the animal should be made to drink water, then it should be laid down on its left side in such a manner that the animal’s head should face the south and its muzzle the Qibla. A sharp knife should be in held in the right hand and with the recital of “Bismillahi Wallahu Akbar,” the aforementioned 4 vessels in the animal’s neck should be cut, but the head should not be separated from the body. The animal should be released after doing so.

What is undesirable in Qurbani

1. To lay down the animal and sharpening the knife in front of it.

2. Using such a blunt knife.
3. To slaughter the animal from the back side of neck.
4. To slaughter in such a manner that the head is separated or the marrow in the bone at the back     of the neck is reached.
5. To cut away the neck or start skinning the animal when it is still alive.
6. To hold the leg of the animal and drag it to the place of slaughter.
7. To slaughter 1 animal in front of the other.
8. To slaughter at nighttime.
9. To slaughter an animal which will deliver soon.
10. To do something against the Sunnah of slaughtering mentioned above.

Dua for slaughtering the animal:

 إِنِّي وَجَّهْتُ وَجْهِيَ لِلَّذِي فَطَرَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ حَنِيفًا وَمَا أَنَا مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ۔اَللّٰهُمَّ تَقَبَّلْ مِنِّي 
هٰذِهِ الْاُضْحِيَّةَ کَمَا تَقَبَّلْتَ مِنْ خَلِيلِکَ سَيِّدِنَااِبْرَاهِيمَ وَ حَبِيبِکَ سَيِّدِنَاوَمَوْلَانَا مُحَمَّدٍ نَبِيکَ عَلَيْهِمَا  الصَّلوٰۃُ وَ السَّلَامُ

Recite this Dua and slaughter the animal with the words: “Bismillahi Wallahu Akbar.”

Inni waz jahtu wajahi ya lillazi fa ta rassamawati wal arz hanifauv wa ma ana minal mushriqi na in na salaati wa nusuki wa mahya ya wa mamaati lillahi rabbil aalmin. La shariq lahu wa bizali ka uriratu wa ana minal muslimin. Allahumma ma la  ka wa min ka bismillahi Allahu Akbar.

If Qurbani is on your behalf, then After Qurbani Read the below Dua 

Allahumma ta Kabbal minni kama ta kabbal ta min khalili ka Ibrahim Alayhissalamu wa Habeebi ka Muhammadin Swallalahu Alayhi Wasallam

 If slaughtering on the behalf of somebody else, instead of the words: “Minne” one should say : “Min” and take the name of the person and his father on whose behalf the Qurbani is being offered (Taqabbal Min ______ bin _________)

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