Saturday, June 18, 2016

Jumma Tul Wida Namaz (Ramadan Last Friday Prayers) | Alvida Jumma

Jumma Tul Wida Nafil Namaz (Ramadan Last Friday Prayers) | Alvida Jumma Namaz, Dua And Zikr, Jumma Tul Wida Nawafil

Jumma Tul Wida (Alvida Jumma) is the last Friday Prayer of the holy month of Ramadan. on this day of Jumma Tul Wida Namaz, Salaat, Dua Azkar is done. One need to thank Allah for this day and pray that we get this day and Ramadan every year.

It has a very high regards for all the Muslims around the world. This Jumma has more importance on the other Jumma Prayers

Alvida Jumma, also known as Jumma Tul Vida, is the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan. It is considered one of the most significant days in the Islamic calendar as it marks the end of the month of fasting and the beginning of the Eid al-Fitr festival. In this article, we will discuss the meaning of Jumma Tul Vida, the significance of Alvida Jumma, its importance, and how to celebrate it.

Jumma Tul Wida Nafil Namaz (Alvida Jumma Namaz)

1) After Jumma Namaz (Salat), Read 2 Nawafil in
a) First Rakat, read Sureh Fateha and Recite Sureh Zalzaal once, Sureh Ikhlas 10 times
b) Second Rakat, Read Sureh Fatiha and Recite Sureh Kafirun 3 times
c) After Salam Recite Darood Sharif 10 times

2) Read 2 Nawafil
a) First Rakat, read Sureh Fateha and Recite Sureh Takasur once, Sureh Ikhlas 10 times
b) Second Rakat, Read Sureh Fatiha and Recite Ayat al-Kursi 3 times and Sureh Ikhlas 25 times
c) After Salam Recite Darood Sharif 10 times

Surah for the Namaz

1) Sureh Fateha

Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem

Al hamdu lillaahi rabbil ‘alameen
Ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Maaliki yaumid Deen
Iyyaaka na’abudu wa iyyaaka nasta’een
Ihdinas siraatal mustaqeem
Siraatal ladheena an ‘amta’ alaihim
Ghairil maghduubi’ alaihim waladaaleen

2) Sureh Ikhlas

Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem

Qul huwallaahu ahad
Allahus samad
Lam yalid wa lam yuulad
Wa lamyakun lahuuu kufuwan ahad'

3) Sureh Al-Kafirun

Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem

Qul yaa ayyuhal kaafiruun
Laa ‘abudu maa t’abuduun
Walaa antum ‘aabidunna maa a’abud
Walaa ana ‘aabidun maa ‘abadttum
Walaa antum ‘aabiduuna maa a’abud
Lakum deenukum wa liya deen

4) Ayat al-Kursi

Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem

Allahu la illaha illa hu
Wal Hayyul Qayyum
La te huzuhu sinetun wala nawmun
Lahu ma fissemawati wa ma fil’ardi
Men thallathiy yeshfe’u indehu illa biznih
Ya’lemu ma beyne eydiyhim
wa ma halfehum
wa la yuhiytune
bishey’in min ilmihi
illa bima sha-a wasia kursiyyuhu semavati wal’ard
Wa la yeuduhu hifzuhuma wa hu wal aliy ul aziym


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Al haaku mut takathur
Hatta zurtumul-maqaabir
Kalla sawfa ta'lamoon
Thumma kalla sawfa ta'lamoon
Kalla law ta'lamoona 'ilmal yaqeen
Latara-wun nal jaheem
Thumma latara wunnaha 'ainal yaqeen
Thumma latus alunna yauma-izin 'anin na'eem


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Izaa zul zilatil ardu zil zaalaha
Wa akh rajatil ardu athqaalaha
Wa qaalal insaanu ma laha
Yawmaa izin tuhad dithu akhbaaraha
Bi-anna rabbaka awhaa laha
Yawma iziy yas durun naasu ash tatal liyuraw a'maalahum
Famaiy ya'mal mithqala zarratin khai raiy-yarah
Wa maiy-y'amal mithqala zarratin sharraiy-yarah

What is the meaning of Jumma Tul Vida?

Jumma Tul Vida means "the last Friday of Ramadan" in Urdu. It is also known as "Alvida Jumma" or "Goodbye Friday" because it marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan. This day holds a significant place in the Islamic calendar as it is believed that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) delivered his last sermon on this day.

When is Alvida Jumma celebrated?

Alvida Jumma is celebrated on the last Friday of Ramadan, which is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. 

Significance of Alvida Jumma

Alvida Jumma holds great significance for Muslims around the world. It marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, which is a time of spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and devotion. Muslims believe that on this day, their sins are forgiven, and they receive a new lease of life. It is a day of celebration, joy, and thanksgiving.

Importance of Alvida Jumma

Alvida Jumma is important for Muslims because it is believed that on this day, the gates of heaven are opened, and prayers are answered. Muslims offer special prayers on this day, seeking forgiveness for their sins, and asking Allah for blessings and mercy. It is also a day of charity and kindness, as Muslims are encouraged to give alms to the poor and needy.

How to celebrate Alvida Jumma

Muslims around the world celebrate Alvida Jumma by attending congregational prayers in mosques. They offer special prayers, recite the Quran, and listen to sermons. They also seek forgiveness for their sins and ask Allah for blessings and mercy. Some Muslims also fast on this day as a sign of gratitude for the blessings they have received during the holy month of Ramadan. It is also a day of charity and kindness, and Muslims are encouraged to give alms to the poor and needy.

In conclusion, Alvida Jumma, or Jumma Tul Vida, is a significant day for Muslims around the world. It marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan and the beginning of the Eid al-Fitr festival. It is a day of celebration, joy, and thanksgiving, and Muslims offer special prayers, seek forgiveness for their sins, and ask Allah for blessings and mercy. It is also a day of charity and kindness, and Muslims are encouraged to give alms to the poor and needy. May Allah bless us all and accept our prayers.

Hadiths of Jumma Prayer

1) Hadrat Salman Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah has said,

لا يغتسل رجل يوم الجمعة ، ويتطهر ما استطاع من طهر ، ويدهن من دهنه ، أو يمس من طيب بيته ثم يخرج ، فلا يفرق بين اثنين ، ثم يصلى ما كتب له ، ثم ينصت إذا تكلم الإمام ، إلا غفر له ما بينه وبين الجمعة الأخرى

“If a man takes bath on Friday; purifies himself as much as he can with ablution, applies oil from his oils, or uses any available perfume in his house, then goes out and, without squeezing between two men, prays what is prescribed for him, then remains silent when the Imam speaks (delivers sermon) his (minor) sins between that time and the next Friday will be forgiven.” [Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, Page 121, Book on the Friday Prayer]

2) Hadrat Abu Hurairah Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah has said,

إذا كان يوم الجمعة ، وقفت الملائكة على باب المسجد يكتبون الأول فالأول ، ومثل المهجر كمثل الذى يهدى بدنة ، ثم كالذى يهدى بقرة ، ثم كبشا ، ثم دجاجة ، ثم بيضة ، فإذا خرج الإمام طووا صحفهم ، ويستمعون الذكر

“When Friday comes, the angels stand at the door of the mosque recording the people in the order of their arrival. The parable of the first comer is like the parable of one who sends (to Makkah) a she-camel for sacrifice; the man who comes next is like the one who sends a cow for sacrifice, next a sheep, next like the one who sends a hen, next like the one who sends an egg. Then when the Imam stand up (on the Minbar/Pulpit) to deliver the sermon, they close their sheets and listen to the remembrance (sermon).” [Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, Page 127, Book on the Friday Prayer / Sahih Muslim, Vol. 1, Page 282, Book on the Friday Prayer]

3) Hadrat Samurah ibn Jundab Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah has said,

من ترك الجمعة من غير عذر فليتصدق بدينار فإن لم يجد فبنصف دينار

“Whosoever omits the Friday prayer without excuse he should give a Dinar in alms; or if he does not have (it), half a Dinar.” [Musnad Imam Ahmad, Vol. 5, Page 632 / Sunan Abi Dawud, Vol. 1, Page 151, Book on Prayer]

4) Hadrat Samurah ibn Jundub Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah has said,

احضروا الذكر وادنوا من الإمام فإن الرجل لا يزال يتباعد حتى يؤخر فى الجنة وإن دخلها

“Be present at the sermon (delivered on Fridays) and draw near the Imam; because whoever always keeps far away will likewise, be far away (towards the back) in Paradise, even though he will enter it.” [Sunan Abi Dawud, Vol. 1, Page 158, Book on Prayer]

5) Hadrat Ibn ‘Umar Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah has said,

إذا نعس أحدكم يوم الجمعة فليتحول من مجلسه ذلك

“When any of you dozes (in the Masjid) during the Friday prayer, he should change his place (if possible).” [Sunan Tirmidhi, Vol. 1, Page 115, Chapters on the Friday Prayer]

6) Hadrat Anas Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reported that

إذا اشتد البرد بكر بالصلاة ، وإذا اشتد الحر أبرد بالصلاة ، يعنى الجمعة

When it was very cold, the Holy Prophet used to observe the prayer early; and when it was very hot, he used to delay the prayer till it was cooler. This refers to the Friday prayer. [Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, Page 124, Book on the Friday Prayer]

Important Notes on Friday Prayers

1. All those who listen to the mu’azzin calling out the Adhan for the Friday prayers in front of the Imam, should not reply to his words. This is a more preventative ruling. [Fatawa-e-Radawiyyah]

It has been stated in al-Durr al-Mukhtar [Page 57]:

One should not reply with the tongue, to the words of the Adhan called in front of the imam, prior to the Khutba (sermon).

In Radd al-Muhtar Vol. 1 Page 575 it has been stated:

It is makruh (disliked) to reply to the (words of the) Adhan at such a time.

2. On hearing the Adhan for the Khutba, when the mu’azzin calls out the Blessed Name of the Holy Prophet, then it is best not to kiss ones thumbs at that time. The Durud Sharif (invoking blessings) on the Messenger of Allah should also be recited from the heart; not from the tongue, as remaining silent in this particular time is Fard (obligatory). This rule only applies to the adhan for the khutba, otherwise in the other adhans one should kiss their thumbs, place them on their eyes as this is Mustahab. [Fatawa-e-Radawiyyah]

In Radd al-Muhtar Vol. 1 Page 575, it has been stated:

The more favoured opinion is to invoke blessings (send durud) upon the Holy prophet from one’s heart (and to recite anything from the tongue).
3. To read the khutba in any language other than Arabic or to amalgamate another language with the khutba read in Arabic is disliked (makruh) and against the sunnat that has been transmitted from our pious predecessors. [Fatawa-e-Radawiyyah, Bahar-e-Shari’at]

4. Some people lift their hands in the time that is between the two khutbas delivered by the Imam. This should not be done, as it is necessary to remain silent throughout and in between the two khutbas. [Bahar-e-Shari’at – Vol. 1 Chapter 4 Page 90-91]

5. It is not permissible to establish the Friday Prayer in villages. However, if people do pray it, then one should not prevent them. [Fatawa-e-Radawiyyah]

6. Because the Friday Prayer is not allowed in the villages (and in some countries), the Zohar (Mid-Noon prayer) is still fard upon them, though they may have prayed the Friday Prayer. Hence, it is obligatory that one prays the 4 Rakahs fardh salaah for Zohar if one has prayed the Friday Prayer in villages or places where the Friday Prayer cannot be established due to reasons as explained by the Shari’ah.

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